Monday, February 15, 2016

New Kind of Tea

I tried this today.  Given to me by my grand daughter.  Oh so delicious.

Every time I try a new tea, I'll share with you.

Please share your teas as well.  Trying to build a huge tea community!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Extra Special Tea Set Celebrating Jamaica's Independence

This beautiful tea set you're looking at is special. Very special. This is from my country, Jamaica, and symbolizes the day we declared our independence from the United Kingdom - August 6, 1962.

This day is known as Independence Day and is vigorously celebrated every year by Jamaicans in Jamaica and all over the world.  This includes a gorgeous National Independence Day Parade, lots of activities in parishes all around the country, culminating with what is called the National Grand Gala.

For many years, every Jamaican household had one of these sets, along with other memorabilia from that special day. As a child, I remember playing with all the items my parents had celebrating this special day.  It is often placed in a special glass case and strategically placed for all to see when you walk into a household. It's viewed as a historic piece that no one is allowed to use, for fear of any of the pieces being broken. It was and still is, treated with extra special care to this day.

This set was willed to me by an elder in my family and I am ever so grateful to have my own. No one is ever allowed to touch it for fear of breakage and I don't believe I would be able to replace any part of it.

Jamaica celebrates 53 years of Independence today, August 6, 2015. Happy Independence Day, Jamaica!  So glad I have my Jamaican Independence tea set as a symbol of that very historic day.  I'm a very proud owner.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Do We Love Tea?

Well, let me count the many reasons why we do!

1.   It's an excellent alternative to coffee. Not everyone loves coffee but I have yet to meet someone that doesn't like tea.

2.   Tea is a family staple for many people. Like myself, many people grew up drinking tea first thing in the morning, and the last thing at nights.

3.   Tea serves many purposes. For example, there are medicinal teas (we have this in great abundance in the islands) for all sorts of medical purposes.

4.    There are teas for relaxation and to make you have a good night's sleep.

5.    There are teas you can cook and bake with (like some of the ones you can find on my website).

6.    There are herbal teas (too numerous to even begin to mention).

7.   There are many teas that are used today to assist with weight-loss and many of them they do yield excellent results.

8.    Tea makes for great conversation.  Mention any type of tea to someone and see the reaction you get. It's such an interesting topic.

     I'm sure you can think of many more reasons why tea is so loved by everyone.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Concoction No. 1

I experimented today with freshly brewed mint tea and some chia tea I made earlier and wallah!  It turned out so nicely!

This is the beauty of tea.  There are numerous ways you can have it. I happened to stumble upon this concoction and it worked out beautifully.

Why don't you try doing that too?  I don't believe there's a single concoction that could possibly turn out wrong.  If yours didn't, would you promise to let me know?

By the way, my chai-mint is here to stay!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Welcome, tea lovers!

Tea. Tea. And more tea!  I grew up drinking tea at least twice every single day.  In the islands where I'm from, everyone grew one kind of tea or another in their backyard.

My parents had mint, peppermint, cerassee and several other bush teas growing in our backyard on a permanent basis. We were never ever out of tea to drink. We had enough to share with family and friends, while they shared the different ones they had with us as well.

Teacups and teapots were and still are, in every household, because drinking tea is a ritual. I have never met anyone who doesn't love tea of some kind. Never!  I've met people who dislike coffee, but never tea.

What does that tell you about this delectable beverage?